Pili of gram-positive bacterias: jobs in web host colonization. in to the regulatory activity of the GAS little RNA FasX. Furthermore to determining that FasX …
Potassium (KV) Channels
In MSK2, the phosphorylation of the two probable MAPK sites, Thr-568 and Ser-343, from the upstream kinase (ERK or p38) has been shown to be required for activity
In MSK2, the phosphorylation of the two probable MAPK sites, Thr-568 and Ser-343, from the upstream kinase (ERK or p38) has been shown to be …
Antagonism of PP2A can be an conserved and separate function of HIV-1 Vif and causes cell routine arrest
Antagonism of PP2A can be an conserved and separate function of HIV-1 Vif and causes cell routine arrest. for proteins quantitation, as well as the …
Paraffin-embedded tissue immunoblot analysis was used to discriminate between prion disease-specific proteinase K-resistant PrPSc and cellular PrPC as described58
Paraffin-embedded tissue immunoblot analysis was used to discriminate between prion disease-specific proteinase K-resistant PrPSc and cellular PrPC as described58. For light microscopy, haematoxylin was used …
5A). not induce any of these changes. There were also significant numbers of neurons in the recovering cortical tissue. In the recovery region, reactive astrocytes …
The kinase LKB1 mediates glucose homeostasis in liver and therapeutic effects of metformin
The kinase LKB1 mediates glucose homeostasis in liver and therapeutic effects of metformin. subsequently treated as indicated. Protein extraction and Western blot analysis of intracellular …