Finally, it’ll be important to test the prediction that the size or abundance of lipid rafts in B-cell membranes is a contributing factor to the …
Protein Kinase B
Total mobile RNA was extracted from astrocytes using the Qiagen RNeasy mini kit based on the manufacturer’s instructions
Total mobile RNA was extracted from astrocytes using the Qiagen RNeasy mini kit based on the manufacturer’s instructions. The over-expression of MMPs by several cell …
All measurements were performed in duplicate with a single inhibitor concentration of 40 M
All measurements were performed in duplicate with a single inhibitor concentration of 40 M. accompanied by matriptase-2 inhibition. For example, 13 was inactive at matriptase-2, …
Images and maximum intensity projections (MIPs) were reconstructed using the dedicated Invivoscope? (Bioscan, Inc
Images and maximum intensity projections (MIPs) were reconstructed using the dedicated Invivoscope? (Bioscan, Inc.) and Mediso InterViewXP? software programs (Mediso). Internalization study Immunofluorescence assay Internalization …